Nottinghamshire News

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9th November 2022

Volunteer Meet Ups & Volunteer Recognition Resources - By Michael Reid, Relationship Manager, Badminton England

Badminton England conducted our annual National Volunteer Survey earlier this year, which received 400 responses from volunteers in a variety of roles.

We wanted to share some of the key findings with you as well as some practical recommendations to improve the experience for club and county volunteers, please see the attached document with this information. HERE

Badminton England are also committed to responding to these insights to improve our volunteer services.

Volunteer Meet Up Sessions

Volunteers highlighted that they would like more opportunities to network with others in similar roles.

In response to this, we are running two virtual Volunteer Meet Up sessions in November.

The Volunteer Meet Ups provide the opportunity to meet other like-minded volunteers in the badminton community to learn, share ideas and have your voice heard.

These 45 minute interactive sessions, facilitated by Badminton England, provide a space for volunteers to come together to connect, learn and inspire each other. You’ll have chance to ask questions and pick up practical tips along the way. You will also play a key part in shaping the support you receive as a volunteer from Badminton England.

So, pop online with your lunch or coffee to natter with some friendly faces!

Dates & Times:

Tuesday 15th November, 12pm – 12.45pm. CLICK HERE to register for this session
Wednesday 23rd November, 12pm – 12.45pm. CLICK HERE to register for this session

Volunteer Recognition Resources

Volunteers also said that they would appreciate more recognition, both from Badminton England and their club/county association.

Often overlooked, a simple ‘thank you’ can go a long way. Volunteers are a huge part of a club/county association and so deserve to be recognised either formally, as part of an awards evening or in a club newsletter, or informally through methods such as a personal thank-you letter, postcard or certificate, a social media post or a shout-out at the end of a session.

We have developed some editable templates for clubs and county associations to use to thank their volunteers.

These downloadable templates can be found on our website here (scroll down to the ‘Celebrating our Volunteers’ section).

If you would like more information on supporting volunteers, there are plenty of resources, templates and guidance on our Volunteer Hub which you can access HERE.

If you have not accessed our online Resource Hub before, you will need to create a log in here:

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