Nottinghamshire News

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16th November 2023

Alan Hunt 1936-2023

Alan HuntIt is with great sadness we announce the death of Alan Hunt.
Alan was a passionate, devoted and forthright personality who worked tirelessly for Nottinghamshire Badminton Association for over 60 years.
His unwavering enthusiasm, loyalty, dedication and commitment to Nottinghamshire Badminton was deservedly recognised when in 2013 he received The English Badminton Award for long standing exceptional service to badminton in England. As one player recently wrote ‘His commitment and passion to Nott’s Badminton was simply outstanding, he cared so much’. Another wrote ‘No one knew more about Nottinghamshire Badminton. We will miss his stories about the history of the county’. Another commented ‘His contribution was incalculable’.

Alan already a keen tennis player decided to take up badminton at the age of 17 years and joined Chilwell Depot B.C. in 1953. Alan’s badminton skills shone through soon after taking up the game and it was suggested that he joined Victoria B.C. which he did in 1955. His skills of organisation soon became apparent. After two years at Victoria, he became their Match Secretary, a position he held until 1963, at which time he became the N.B.A. Treasurer, A post he held for 18 years.

While playing at Victoria B.C, he was in the team that won the N.B.A. Knockout cup in 1964 and won the Men’s Division 1 title in 1966 (no Premier Division in those days).
In 1973, he joined Mapperley Park B.C. and then in1986 became a founder member of the Nottingham Veterans B.C. and has served as Chairman for two periods totalling 21 years.
Alan also played a number of matches for the senior 2nd and 3rd County teams.

At the 1963 Notts. AGM, John Bradbury suggested that the NBA should build its own hall.
After the AGM, a small band of keen players assembled in a bar and pledged themselves to the task of raising the necessary money for the hall project. By ‘closing time’, they had voted themselves a Secretary – John M. Shaw, a Treasurer – Alan Hunt and a small committee. They had approx. one shilling and eleven pence left out of the ‘drinks kitty’, which served as the first donation to the Fund.
From then until this day, Alan has devoted much of his time to the hall project and the following extension.

Our Handbook is the envy of all counties. Packed with history and information - Alan’s idea - he was used to having a tennis handbook back in 1964 and thought the NBA should have one. Alan was Editor from 1965-1975 (10 years) and on the Handbook committee from 1976-1987 (11 years).

Alan’s other posts for Nottinghamshire Badminton are numerous:
Treasurer 1963-1981 (18 years)
Hall Building Fund Treasurer 1963-1974 (11 years)
N.B.A. Handbook – Editor 1965-1975 (10 years) and 2008 (1 year)
N.B.A. Handbook Committee 1976-1987 (11 years)
Tournament Committee 1970-1996 (26 years)
Junior Tournament Committee 1971-1977 (6 years).
Hall Management Committee 1973-1996 (23 years). Again 2006 to date (17 years)
Senior County Selection Committee 1979-1984 (5 years) and Match Secretary 1984.
League Executive Committee 1979-1996 (17 years)
Vice Chairman 1981-1996 (15 years)
Finance Committee 1985-1996 (11 years)
Hall Extension Committee 1986-1987 (2 years)
Hon. Life President of the NBA in 1998
Hall Management Chairman 2008 to date (15 years)
Represented the Senior Association to attend the AGM of the Executive Committee 2000 to date (23 years)
Masters Inter County Selection Committee 1988-2001 (13 years)
Masters Co-Ordinator 2002 to date (21 years)
Badminton England Masters Policy Group 2003-2012 (9 years)

Alan was actively involved with Nottinghamshire Badminton right up to the end.
Jenny and I will personally miss his friendship, guidance, support and reassurance. The wealth and depth of his knowledge and experience was immeasurable. We will always miss you Alan and thank you.
Alan will be fondly remembered by both players and officials with great respect and admiration. An inspiration to us all.
He will be sorely missed by so many. R.I.P. Alan.
Our thoughts are with Alan’s family at this sad time.

Gill Maloney, Masters Joint Co-ordinator
Jenny Abbott, Masters Match Secretary

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