30th March 2024
The Nottinghamshire Badminton Association (Notts BA) has several committee positions that urgently need to be filled. These roles play a crucial part in the management and development of badminton across the county. Let me provide you with an overview of some of these positions:
1.Vice Chairman: The Vice Chairman supports the Chairman and other committee members in shaping the association’s direction and culture. Their responsibilities are diverse and include liaising with local authorities, universities, and other providers.
2.Hon League Secretary: This role involves active participation in Notts BA Committee meetings, and running of the League.
3.Hon Match Secretary: The Hon Match Secretary coordinates with team selectors and captains for county weekends, manages SCC competition information, and ensures compliance with rules and regulations.
4.Hon Tournament Secretary: Responsibilities include organising tournaments, coordinating fixtures, and ensuring smooth operations during events.
5.Hall Management Committee:Responsibilities include the organisation of Chilwell Sports for Notts County and League Matches
If you’re passionate about badminton and want to contribute to the sport’s growth, consider volunteering for one of these positions.
For more details, you can visit the Nottinghamshire Badminton Association website, League Officers - Roles and Responsibilties Including Available Positions or contact Paul Adcock to discuss further.