Nottinghamshire News

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16th December 2024

45s fought back to beat Shropshire

Three Nott’s Masters Team’s played on Sunday 15th December; the 45s and 60s teams entertained Shropshire and Lancashire at Chilwell Olympia, while the 50s travelled to play Bedfordshire.

The 45s, having previously lost 4-8 against Shropshire when playing away on their opponents courts, again had to fight hard, trying to turn the tables when playing on their home courts at Chilwell Olympia.
The Men’s level doubles resulted in a 3-1 lead to Shropshire. The Nott’s Ladies won three of their four rubbers, resulting in an even 4-4 score for both teams. Each team then depending on the Mixed match results to win the match.
Top Mixed pair Lee Truong and Sion Severn won their match comfortably. However, Shropshire turned on the pressure when they won the 2nd and 3rd Mixed matches. 4th Mixed pair Helen Goff and Steve Farey saved the day, winning 23-21, 21-13.
Overall score, a 6-6 draw, 13-13 games. Nott’s winning the match on points, 488-467.
Helen Goff was unbeaten in the match, playing with partners Steph Clark and Steve Farey.
The team’s next League match is against Warwickshire, playing away on February 9th.

Nott’s 50s team were far too strong for their opposition when playing away at Bedfordshire. They won three Men’s, all four Ladies and three Mixed rubbers, resulting yet again in a convincing 10-2 win.
The 50s are looking favourites to top the Midland East division and progress to play in a Play Off against the winners of the Midlands West division. The wining team to go forward to play in the League Finals. At this present time our 50s team are defending their League Champion status.
They next play the return match against Bedfordshire, on January 26th at Chilwell Olympia.

The 60s team, unfortunately without regular players Mark Attewell and Dave Hall due to injury, entertained Lancashire. The team fought hard and there were many close scores, which unfortunately didn’t go Nott’s way.
Notts won one Mens, one Ladies and two Mixed rubbers resulting in an 8-4 win to Lancashire.
The team next play top of the league Yorkshire, alongside the 50s on January 26th at Chilwell Olympia.

45s Team:
Laura Birkinshaw, Mathew Haigh – Mapperley Park B.C.
Lee Truong, Sion Severn, Alan Scott – Forest B.C.
Steve Farey – Carlton B.C.
Stephanie Clark, Helen Goff – Beeston Fields B.C.

50s Team:
Carl Jennings, Dave Barratt, Julian Dumelow – Forest B.C.
Matt Tongue, Paula Wilson, Christine Gleave – Bingham B.C.
Julie Gater – Mansfield Oaktree B.C.
Bev Dolman – East Leake B.C.

60s Team:-
Julie Peart, Lesley Griffin – Chilwell B.C.
Sally Moore, Wendy Bland, Jerry Deacon – Crusader B.C.
Adrian Mateo – East Leake B.C.
Anthony O’Leary – Forest B.C.
Andy Simpson - Bingham B.C.

O45s match information

O50s match information

O60s match information

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