Nottinghamshire News

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21st January 2025

Masters Teams compete in National Tournament

The National Champions, adding to their ICC Premier League title at the end of last season. All six of Nottinghamshire’s Masters Teams competed in the annual Masters County Challenge Tournament held over the weekend of 11th/12th January 2025.
The 40s played at Perdiswell Leisure Centre, Worcester. The 45s, 50s 2nd, 55s and 65s teams played at Doug Ellis Sports Centre, Perry Bar, Birmingham, while the 50s 1st team played at the National Badminton Centre at Milton Keynes.
The format for this competition; for the younger age groups over 40s to over 60s, is one Men's, one Ladies and two Mixed rubbers. The over 65s play one Men’s, one Ladies and one Mixed rubber.

Nott's performed very well again this season, especially the 50s 1st team who have now become The National Champions, adding to their ICC Premier League title at the end of last season.
The 45s finishing either 1st or 2nd place, the 65s 2nd or 3rd place (all yet to be confirmed). The 40s team in 3rd place the 50s 2nd and 55s in 5th place overall.

Notable performances were from:-
Lee Truong (45s team), Carl Jennings, Matt Tongue, Paula Wilson & Jane Smith (50s 1st team).
All unbeaten, playing in all matches for their respective teams.

Over 40s results: Division 1A – venue: Perdiswell Leisure Centre, Worcester.
Staffordshire: Lost 1-3, Lincolnshire: Won 3-1, Warwickshire: Won 3-1,
Worcestershire: Won 3-1, Yorkshire: Lost 1-3. Leicestershire withdrew from the competition.
Overall Final Position: 3rd .
Team: Andy Shaw (Captain) - Mapperley Park B.C., Kathryn Britton - Beeston Valley B.C.,
Nikki Stokes – Forest B.C., Michelle Jackson – Southwell B.C.
Nathalie Woolsey-Butler – Crusader B.C.
Paul Grimley, Chris Parrott – Bingham B.C.
Dominic Hobdell – Beeston Fields B.C.

Over 45s results: Division 1A – venue: Doug Ellis Sports Centre, Perry Barr, Birmingham.
Played each team twice:
Cheshire: Drew 2-2 & 2-2, Buckinghamshire: Won: 4-0 & 4-0, Berkshire: Won 3-1 & 3-1,
Overall Final Position: 1st or 2nd. (Both Nott’s & Cheshire finished on the same number of points, therefore waiting for a final decision from the Championships Secretary).
Team: Sion Severn (Captain), Alan Scott, Lee Truong - Forest B.C.
Mathew Haigh, Laura Birkinshaw – Mapperley Park B.C.
Steve Farey – Carlton B.C.
Stephanie Clark, Helen Goff – Beeston Fields B.C.

Over 50s 1st team results: Premier Division – venue: National Badminton Centre, Milton Keynes.
Middlesex: Drew 2-2, West of Scotland: Won 1-3, Cambridgeshire: Won: 4-0, Kent: Won 3-1,
Hampshire: Won 3-1, Lancashire: Won 3-1.
Overall Final Position: 1st – over 50s National Champions.
Team: Carl Jennings (Captain), Dave Barrett – Forest B.C.
Paula Wilson, Jane Smith, Andy Cokayne, Matt Tongue – Bingham B.C.
Julie Gater, Craig Favill – Mansfield Oaktree B.C.
Beverley Dolman – East Leake B.C.

Over 50s 2nd team results: Division 1A – venue: Doug Ellis Sports Centre, Perry Barr, Birmingham.
Played each team twice:
Worcestershire: Lost 1-3 & 1-3, Gloucestershire: Lost 1-3 & 1-3, Yorkshire: Lost 1-3 & Drew 2-2,
Lincolnshire: Draw 2-2 & Lost 1-3.
Overall Final Position: 5th
Team: Warwick Mooney (Captain), Graeme Wallace – Beeston Valley B.C.
Karen Gleave – Crusader B.C.
Loraine Buck, Martyn Norman – Forest B.C.
Christine Gleave – Bingham B.C.
Kate McDonald, Alan Bowmer – Mansfield Oaktree B.C.
Graydon Peacock – St Giles B.C.
Neil Franklin – Boots B.C.

Over 55s results: Division 1A – venue: Doug Ellis Sports Centre, Perry Barr, Birmingham.
Norfolk: Drew 2-2, Yorkshire: Lost 1-3, Lincolnshire: Lost 1-3, Warwickshire: Draw 2-2,
Cheshire: Lost 1-3.
Overall Final Position: 5th.
Team: Julie Peart (Captain) – Chilwell B.C.
Wendy Walton-Towle, Wendy Bland, Jerry Deacon – Crusader B.C.
Sindy Midha – Byron B.C.
Mark Attewell – Bingham B.C.
Anthony O’Leary – Forest B.C.
Adrian Mateo – East Leake B.C.
David Hall – Boots B.C.

Over 65s results: Division 1A – venue: Doug Ellis Sports Centre, Perry Barr, Birmingham.
Played each team twice:-
Shropshire: Won 3-0 & Won 2-1. Wiltshire: Lost 1-2 & Won 2-1, Worcestershire: Lost 1-2 & Lost 1-2.
Overall Final Position: Equal 2nd with Wiltshire – to be confirmed?
Team: Jacqui Burton (Captain), Eileen Clarke, Gill Maloney, Ian Price, Mike Nettleton,
Phil Johnson, John Brook – Chilwell B.C.

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