Nottinghamshire News

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12th March 2025

Attention all Masters Players

It has been proposed by several of our county masters that a competition along the lines of our Restricted would be a welcome addition to the county programme.

I have undertaken to find out the strength of interest in this with the intention of giving it a trial at some point next season 2025/26

Where would it take place? Probably Chilwell.

When would it take place? Either the beginning or end of the season

What age groups would we have? Open to discussion but certainly not all age groups each season.

What format would it be? Again open to discussion but probably mini leagues followed by finals of Mixed, Ladies and Open categories.

Cost of entry? Sufficient to cover the cost of courts and shuttles only.

This is very much in the development area but it would be helpful if you could let me know if you have any interest in playing (without commitment) or any recommendations or observations.

Please email: or talk to me when you see me.

Geoff Davison

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