Executive Committee
To Chair the Notts BA Executive Committee ( Seniors / Masters / Outlaws ( including Notts Schools ) and the Junior Club Association. To ensure that all parts of the Notts BA structure are working hand in hand in the management and future development of Badminton across the County.
To work alongside all Committee Members in setting the tone, culture and future direction of the Association.
To represent Notts at the Badminton England General meetings and the AGM. To vote on behalf of the County at these meetings.
To be the Senior point of contact for our local Partners including - the Local Authorities / Sports Active Notts and Derby and both Universities in the City along with other local public / Charitable and private providers.
To Chair the Greater Nottingham Badminton Network to provide Badminton opportunities in hard to reach / diverse local communities / Schools / Colleges etc.
Vice Chairman
Hon Secretary
Hon Treasurer
Hon Membership Secretary
Most work is concentrated at the beginning of the season – August to November.
Receive list of clubs affiliating to Notts BA from NBA Secretary prior to start of season.
Prepare information sheets and subscription forms for all clubs to be handed out to club representatives at the Fixture Meeting in September. Email same information to all Club Secretaries.
Receive completed subscription forms from clubs by the required deadline. Check that correct subscription fee has been paid. Follow up queries or non-responders with Club Secretaries.
Check that clubs have updated/registered their club and members with Badminton England by the required deadline. Follow-up non-compliance with Club Secretaries.
Answer queries and provide information relating to club and member registration processes (Badminton England and NBA).
Act as contact for new clubs wanting to enter teams into the NBA leagues and provide information.
Share information regarding new clubs with NBA Secretary and NBA League Secretary.
Attend and report to NBA Senior Committee meetings.
Act as point of contact for enquiries from members of the public regarding playing badminton within Nottinghamshire.
Hon League Secretary
1, To arrange a meeting where member clubs can arrange the following seasons fixtures.
This is normally towards the end of September. Any venue and date can be arranged.
Approximately 100 people attend.
2, To format the coming seasons league divisions including applying any relevant
promotions and relegations from the previous season and to also amend where applicable
to include or remove any new or redundant teams as entered by the member clubs.
3, To liase with the Membership Secretary and Notts BA Secretary in receiving club entry
forms for the coming new season.
4, To review and amend where applicable the current Senior League Rules in conjunction
with the main Notts BA Committee.
5, To assist clubs through the season with any problems, issues or questions regarding
playing matches including :- rearranging matches, rule queries, player eligibility, starrings,
6, To assist the website/software officer in any questions regarding league play and club
7. To attend and report back to the Main Notts BA Commitee at meetings through the year
including the AGM in July.
8. To create an officers report to be published on the Notts BA Website and distributed at
the Notts BA AGM.
9. To be custodian of the league trophies, handbooks and league archive records.
Hon Match Secretary
1. To be an active member of Notts BA Committee
2. To attend regular meetings of the above (currently 5/6 per year)
3. To be the first contact point for Badminton England regarding SCC competitions and to pass on information to relevant individuals
4. To attend the annual County Fixtures Secretaries meeting with BE (currently via ZOOM)
5. To liaise with team selectors and team captains regarding county weekends
6. To ensure that the results of the competition are uploaded to BE website
7. To ensure that Notts BA fulfil their obligations to the SCC competitions and adhere to the rules and regulations
Hon Tournament Secretary
Help is available for the first year.
1) Notts Open -Badminton England Gold Circuit Tournament
a) Gain BE event sanction, arrange date and book venue
b) Set up Tournament Planner with event, set entry dates and PayPal account for entry fees.
c) Appoint Referee
d) Accept and check entries. Confirm acceptance numbers.
e) Utilise TP to seed event, make draw, schedule event and issue acceptance letters to players.
f) Liaise with venue for set up, i.e. tables, chairs, PA system
g) Ensure trophies are ready, and arrange for prize money with Treasurer
h) Organise helpers and umpires/line judges, for the day.
i) Assist referee with running the event, including updating TP during the day.
j) After event, publish results, send TP file to BE, issue an refunds to players, and get trophies engraved
2) Senior Restricted
a) Agree date for event, book courts
b) Issue entry forms, and accept entries
c) Organise seeding/draws, playing schedule
d) Arrange umpires for finals day
e) Run the event on the day
f) Issue results to website and selection team.
Note: This is based on manual running of event, but can be adapted for TP
3) Knock Out Cup
a) Issue entry forms and accept entries
b) Carry out team handicapping, and carry out draw, confirm dates for completion of each round.
c) Issue match sheets with squad lists
d) On receipt of result sheet, check layers and score and issue to website.
e) Repeat process for subsequent rounds.
f) Arrange courts for final,
g) Get trophies engraved
Badminton England Representative
Alternate Badminton England Representative
Hon Hall Secretary
Hon Hall Chairman
Hon Handbook Editor
Notts Development Officer
Committee Elected
Newark & District Representative
Sub Committees
Hall Management Committee
County Masters Officials & Committee
Joint Co-ordinator
Joint Co-ordinator
Fixtures Secretary
Extra Committee Members
Website Officer
Manage and Maintain all areas of the Notts BA website.
Update and create any extra sections of the website as and when needed.
Managing League via Tournament software.