County Masters News
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107 108 109 >> Last10th November 2019
Masters 40s team open with a win
Nott's 40s and 55s 1st teams entertained Leicestershire and Lancashire respectively on their home courts at Chilwell Olympia on Sunday 10th November.
The 40s team with debutants Alan Scott, Stephanie Clark and Nathalie Woolsey-Butler, opened their season with a good all round team performance by gaining a convincing 12-0 win over Leicestershire.
The team next play Norfolk on December 8th at Chilwell Olympia.
The 55s 1st had a tough match against Lancashire. The Nott's team were unlucky not to gain wins from their 2nd Mixed pairing of John Fletcher/Julie Peart and 4th Mixed players Andy Morrell/Frances Fox, both pairs losing 18-21 in the third set. However Lancashire won the match by 10-2.
The two wins for Nott's were won by Mark Attewell/John Fletcher and Ladies pairing Ellen Housley/Sally Moore who beat Lancashire's 1st Ladies pair.
The team next play away against League leaders Yorkshire on January 26th.
40's Team:
Mathew Haigh, Con Truong - Mapperley Park B.C.
Sion Severn - Beeston Fields B.C.
Alan Scott - Forest B.C.
Lee Truong, Stephanie Clark - Beeston Fields B.C.
Kim Robertshaw - Forest B.C.
Nathalie Woolsey-Butler - Devon & Crusader B.C.'s
55's 1st Team:
Mark Attewell - Bingham B.C.
John Fletcher, Andy Morrell - Crusader B.C.
Adrian Mateo - East Leake B.C.
Ellen Housley, Sally Moore - Forest B.C.
Julie Peart - Chilwell B.C.
Frances Fox - Boots B.C.
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