Do you have club news, events or anything related to your club you’d like to share with the county? If so, email If its a story you could send a photo! |
News - 3rd February 202550s, 55s & 65s teams – All unbeaten this season Nott’s 50s team continue to win comfortably in the Midlands East division this season. On Sunday they played the return match against Lincolnshire more | News - 28th January 2025Due to the recent bad weather the season has been extended to Sunday 20th April to allow time to play rearranged matches. Andy Longton League more |
News - 28th January 2025Three Nott’s Masters County teams played on Sunday 26th January. The 40s entertained Leicestershire, while the 50s played their return match against more | News - 21st January 2025Masters Teams compete in National Tournament All six of Nottinghamshire’s Masters Teams competed in the annual Masters County Challenge Tournament held over the weekend of 11th/12th January more |
News - 16th December 202445s fought back to beat Shropshire Three Nott’s Masters Team’s played on Sunday 15th December; the 45s and 60s teams entertained Shropshire and Lancashire at Chilwell Olympia, while more | Forthcoming Events16 Feb - Worcestershire Vs O55s |