County Masters News
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86 87 88 >> Last21st November 2021
Decisive wins for Masters 40s and 65s Teams
Two Masters Teams travelled to play Warwickshire and Leicestershire on Sunday 21st November.
The 40s against Warwickshire won all four Men’s, three Ladies and two Mixed rubbers resulting in a 9-3 win. Unfortunately, one of Warwickshire’s Ladies had to drop out on the day, conceding all her three rubbers to the Nott’s team.
Mat Haigh was unbeaten in the match, playing with partners Sion Severn and Nathalie Woolsey-Butler.
The team next play Away against Staffordshire on November 28th.
The 65s team proved to be the dominant side against Leicestershire, when they took one Men’s all three Ladies and two Mixed rubbers, resulting in a good 6-3 win.
Jacqui Burton and Eileen Clarke were both unbeaten in the match.
The team next play their main rivals Worcestershire 1st team on December 5th on their Home courts at Chilwell Olympia.
40s Team:-
Simon Vanderwalt – East Leake B.C.
Sion Severn – Beeston Fields B.C.
Mathew Haigh – Mapperley Park B.C.
Steve Farey – Carlton B.C.
Lee Truong, Susie Brown – Beeston Fields B.C.
Nathalie Woolsey-Butler – Crusader B.C.
Louise Bolam – Bingham B.C.
65s Team:-
Jacqui Burton, Eileen Clarke, Ian price, Mike Nettleton, Phil Johnson – Chilwell B.C.
Lynn Davison – Beeston Fields B.C.
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